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Other / Prospero

Prospero Moscato

Prospero takes its name from the protagonist character in The Tempest; considered to be one of the main plays by William Shakespeare. Prospero, rightful Duke of Milan, uses his skills as a sorcerer to get back his title. Storms and other machinations facilitate events to meet these ends.

The fine and refreshing bubbles of moscato make it the next big thing among wine lovers. Made with the muscat grape, all the sweetness of this variety is preserved from ripening in the sun in the fields of La Mancha. Its fruity flavors are stone fruits such as apricot, peach or nectarine and its aromas are reminiscent of caramel and jasmine.

Sparkling wine
Alcohol Graduation
Serving Temperature
Best served chilled (7-9ºC)


The area of Castilla-La Mancha, located in the central plateau of the Iberian Peninsula, is the world’s largest vineyard. Varietal wines, grape juice and sangrias are produced in this vast wine region. Airen and Tempranillo are the most typical grapes from this area.

Tasting Notes

Delicate and pleasant Moscato. Floral, intense exotic notes, aromas characteristic of white stone fruit and peach skin. Refreshing, with delicate bubbles and a honeyed character on the palate.

Food Pairing

Ideal to accompany desserts, chocolates ....

Technical Information

Made with grapes from the Muscat of Alexandria variety. After a light and gentle pressing, a clean, high quality must is obtained. This must is fermented with specially selected yeasts in stainless steel tanks to up to 7 degrees of alcohol, creating an internal pressure of approximately 4 bars. At this point, the temperature is reduced to arrest the fermentation. The wine then remains on its fine lees for a few weeks at temperatures below zero for maturation, clarification and stabilization of the sparkling wine. Its aromatic nuances should now be integrated with fine and delicate bubbles. Later the Moscato is filtered and sterile bottled.


2024 CWSA BEST VALUE: Prospero Moscato NV

2024 China Wine & Spirits Awards (CWSA): Prospero Moscato NV