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Action Plan of the Félix Solís Avantis Group against Coronavirus


From Félix Solís Avantis: Due to the current evolution of the coronavirus COVID-19, we are taking measures based on the recommendations of the Government of Spain and the World Health Organization in order to minimise the impact on the productivity of our company.

To do this, we have implemented various measures to respond to situations that may arise, in order to ensure business continuity and safeguard the health and safety of all our workers in all the work centers of the Felix Solís Avantis group.

The measures are as follows:

·         Every day a special crisis committee meets to take all actions to combat the spread of the Coronavirus.

·         All people who access our facilities must undergo a temperature control screening, as well as hand washing with hydro-alcoholic solution and are obliged to wash their hands frequently.

·         Cleaning, hygiene and disinfection of all surfaces are carried out daily.

·         Individual PPE (Personal protective equipment) items are distributed to all employees, carriers and visitors.

·         There are detailed information protocols of actions displayed in different areas of the facilities available to staff.

·         Working hours have been redistributed and relocated to workers to maintain the recommended safety distance.

·         Remote working has also been established in those positions where it has been possible.

This is an exceptional situation and we hope that these measures will avoid, as far as possible, the spread of the virus. Everyone’s responsibility and cooperation is the key these days. We will adapt to the circumstances at all times. From the Félix Solís Avantis group, we wish and trust that this situation will return to normal as soon as possible

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