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Félix Solís Avantis obtains an historical record of medals in Germany


A total of 41 gold medals have been  awarded to Felix Solis Avantis wines in two of the most prestigious contests in the world of wine: Mundus Vini and the Berliner Wein Trophy. A testament of recognition derived from the passion for wine and culture of the Félix Solís family, who has have been dedicated to the production of quality wines for three generations.

In the Spring tasting of the Mundus Vini contest, the jurors, composed of 260 experts and professionals in the wine sector, awarded Felix Solis Avantis wines 27 medals, 19 of which were gold and 8 silver. Among the awarded wines, El Círculo Crianza 2015, DOC Rioja, stands out receiving a gold medal and the “Best of Show Rioja Crianza” award, distinguishing it as the best of the DO wines in its category.

Berliner Wein Trophy has awarded Felix Solis Avantis wines with 22 medals, all gold. This outstanding achievement includes top wines in the Rueda, Ribera del Duero and Rioja regions—areas internationally recognized for the qualities of the terroir, the climate and the variety of grapes used in preparation.

Also worthy of mention are the prizes for the sparkling wines Prospero Brut and Sec which, despite having been launched just 2 years ago, have managed to position themselves among the best in their category. This is a clear example that technological investments and innovation in new winemaking techniques allow the production of high quality wines the capability of conquering specialists and consumers from more than 120 countries around the world, where the wines of the company are exported.

Félix Solís Avantis has a presence in seven of the main wine producing regions of Spain, with the Félix Solís brands in La Mancha and Valdepeñas, and the Pagos del Rey brands in the appellations of origin in northern Spain (Ribera del Duero, Rueda, Rioja and Toro and Rías Baixas).

The success of the company in these two international competitions is, therefore, an important recognition to of the tireless work of a family, already in its third generation, who seek excellence combining tradition and modernity, in an effort to produce high quality wines at a great price.

The presentation of these awards coincides with the celebration of the ProWein fair in Dusseldorf (Germany) from March 17th – March 19th , where Félix Solís Avantis participates every year with a stand, located in Hall 10 Stand D56. There, Felix Solis Avantis will present its new products in line with new market trends, among which will be organic, dealcoholized and sparkling wines.

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